The global mobile trends is out; according to a recent study from a retailer firm “”, 87% of folks across the world were owning mobile phones till the end of 2011. Astoundingly, the sales of Smartphone grew up by 63.1% to reach 488.5 million units in 2011 from 2010.
Mobile users per 100 people were highest in CIS, followed by the America, Europe, and Arab States, while it was lowest in Africa continent. 30% of total mobile phone users were in India and China alone.
According to study over global mobile trends, 59% of users across the world spent an average of 45 min per day on the web, while 32% spent their time on communications such as Skype, telephone and SMS.
The firm also revealed the Mobile Consumers’ behavior across the world. Over 300,000 apps were developed during the last three years, and these apps had been downloaded 10.9 billion times in the same stint. 98% mobile consumers used their devices at home, while 89% used on the go. 79% consumers across the world accepted that they had done shopping through their mobile handsets, while 74% and 64% said that they used the device at work and on public transport respectively.
There were 1.2 billion mobile web users worldwide—which is 17% of the total global population. In January 2012, mobile device accounted 8.5% of web traffic, up double compare to a year back in the same month. Besides, M-commerce has also been increased by 99 folds in the last six years.