Apple’s new iPad has outburst the market, and according to a report, 82% owners of the device are “very satisfied” with it. Despite of this, the company has also decided to launch its ‘mini iPad‘ in October this year. Numbers of Tablets from different manufactures are yet to come later this year. Undoubtedly, the demand of Tablets are increasing with the dizzying pace worldwide. A research analysis firm–Gartner–has reportedly said that 665 million Tablets are expected to be used across the world by 2016. The firm has also projected 118.9 million Tablets sale by the end of this year, up almost 100% from a year before. The Tablet market is getting momentum due to advent of numbers of competitors like Amazon’s Kindle Fire, low-priced Nook Tablet and a lineups of Galaxy Tablets from Samsung.
In Q4 last year, Apple sold 15.4 million Tablets across the world, and it’s expected that it will remain the biggest Tablet vendor for the next four years. The firm has said that alone Apple will dominate more than 45% of the Tablet market share by 2016 across the world. However, the market share of the company is declining since April 2010, was 83% , but it reached to 57% in the Q4 last year, though it’s estimated that it will manage to clinch 61.4% of total Tablet market share this year.
On the contrary, Android market share is continuously increasing quarter-over-quarter. According to the research analysis firm, Android Tablets will account 31.9% of total media Tablet sales this year, while it will mount up to 37% by 2016. Android Tablets are still starving in  numbers of applications, currently, Amazon’s Apps Store has around 34,000 apps, which is meager in comparison of Apple App Store, having hundred of thousands apps for iPad. The stats of media Tablets to end users sales have been provided by the firm in year-wise:
According to Gartner, about half of all tablet owners are more likely to replace their devices within 24 months of their purchase. In context of apps, the firm said that there’s a correlation between Smartphone and Tablet apps, 40% apps are similar on both devices (Tablet and Smartphone) what folks are actually using.
Indeed, PC sales are being eaten by Tablets across the world, however, the firm has estimated 536.3 million units sale in 2015–counting the total numbers of both desktop and PC. However, the expected growth of PC sale in the emerging market like India–17% growth of PC shipments–has awakened some hopes.