Do you think the concept of iPad was articulated by Apple or the idea to launch revolutionary Tablet was brainchild of Steve Jobs? It’ well known; Apple took Samsung into legal courts last year for the copycatting of its revolutionary iPad. But, the reality reveals something else. It might obsessed to Roger Fidler’s co-workers who said that he was out of mind when he stated how newspaper is going to die and how people will adopt touchable Tablets for reading newspapers in early 1994, time when laptop was just becoming big for folks. The demand of iPad reached to the maximum level before the sad demise of Steve Jobs last year. The claim of iPad is still in pendent, many of us yet to write how Mr. Fidler’s ideology is going to become sour grapes for tech giants.
In 1994, when Mr. Fidler discussed the underlying structure of the Tablet with its co-workers, that time, his co-worker taped promotional videos—now, the veracity of Apple has come before the masses. Leveraging the promotional video of Fidler, Samsung is defending itself. The company said that idea came publicly prior to the launch of iPad in the market. And, the company is not the way breaching of the patent that Steve Jobs filed for the device in 2004. The video (below) might be helpful for you to understand how the concept of Tablet came into existence:
The details before the court clearly revealed the veracity, and Apple is playing a sinister act against its opponent. Mr. Fidler worked at Knight-Rider newspaper chain and he convinced his higher authority to start-up a lab at Colorado in order to have better talk about the future of journalism. Unfortunately, Apple’s office was exactly in the same building. Many clients were visiting both the offices in the same visit, and ironically, the concept might spread out.
In an interview with The Washington Post Mr. Fidler said that he has no infelicity to be known as the innovator or even any remorse of losing billions of dollars that he could make with it.
Mr. Fidler said, “’To me it was never about the money. I was never doing things with the idea that this was going to make me rich. It never occurred to me, actually.”
I think, the battle between Apple and Samsung is unfounded. It has seemed that Apple has always been monster about its patent issues. Recently, Apple has lost its trademark “iPad” in China. if Apple will act with similar fashion then the company might lose its proponents.
However, with the latest twist and development in tablet space, it would be interesting to monitor the shift and how exactly Samsung counters Apple in the court of law to shield own Galaxy Tab.
Here is a link to an apple video showing their idea for a tablet in 1987.
Or if you like you can go back to the late 1960’s and watch 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Mr. Fielder was clearly not the first person to thing of a tablet. And there is clear proof Apple had thought of it before Mr. Fielder