There has always been a linger discussion over Apple’s iOS and Android OS that which one is better. A portion of folks prefer iOS platform, while other portion want to work on Android platform. But, a recent report has elaborated that developers more prefer iOS platform to work rather than Android. Apple has better development tools as well as most popular App Store. Apple has reportedly surpassed 25 billion apps download from its App Store—currently having over 550,000 apps. Users are more preferring to adopt new version of iOS operating system than Android.
It’s well known that Apple has never published its distribution of OS version with respect to users’ base. However, Google used to publish such information time-to-time. An analysis firm has gathered information from developers who published their apps on different version of iOS. Using 50 data points from different developers, the firm has visualized the distribution of different versions of iOS according to base users. The graph might be helpful for you to understand the adaptability of Android as well as iOS versions by users week-over-week.
According to graph, Gingerbread took the same time to reach 4% of Android’s market share as iOS 5 took to capture 75% of all iOS users.  Also after, 15 weeks, both iOS4 and iOS 5 grabbed 70% and 60% share respectively, while, Android latest version Ice Cream Sandwich had just 1% of the market share in the same period. The firm has also stated that 10% versions of iOS are averagely 300 times faster than Android versions, while 30% are 19 times, and 50% versions of iOS  are 7 times faster than Android’s versions.
One question often asking by folks, is it rationale to compare iOS with Android because iOS is effectively working on three devices (iPad, iPhone, and iPod), while Android is running on dozen of devices manufactured by different manufacturers? It should clearly be understood that users as well as developers don’t care on which platform they are working. Users prefer to have recent features and security updates, while developers want to have unified base in order to have minimum testing. Android platform is presently not fulfilling the both users as well as developers’ requirements. The fragmentation of Android has frustrated developers, while, users are worried about Android platform is more malware affected than iOS platform, and also, it has similar features.In addition to these, a recent report has stated that Android apps are more expensive than iOS apps. It’s pretty clear that Android users are paying more than iOS users for getting apps of their respective platform.