On Tuesday, Research in Motion’s new executive revealed some interesting facts during BlackBerry DevCon Europe about the company’s success with BlackBerry Apps World Marketplace. RIM’s new CEO—Thorsten Heins—said that more than 60,000 applications are available in BlackBerry App World—which is definitely the fraction of number of Android Market or Apple’s apps store. Despite of all these, RIM’s BlackBerry App World are more profitable than Android app market. A recent report has stated that BlackBerry device was the most popular among the Smartphones purchase in the UK last year. The company’s vice president—Alec Saunders—said that 178 million apps are being downloaded each month, nearly 6 million apps every day. The BlackBerry apps are being 43% more downloaded daily than Apple’s own Apps Store.
RIM’s Vice president—Alec Saunders—said, “BlackBerry is one of the most profitable platforms to work for. Very clearly, developers are making money on BlackBerry and PlayBook today. There is a study from Evans Data that shows that 13 percent of all Blackberry developers made more than $100,000 from App World. That is more than from any iPhone or Android application. And I think that speaks to the economic power of our platform”.
RIM is highly relying on its apps developers to create new and innovative ways of using Blackberry Smartphones and Tablets. The company is also going to launch its BlackBerry 10—previously known as BBX—by the end of this year—which is expected to bring all new users interface and OS to BlackBerry products.
I little disagree with Alec’s statement that BlackBerry is most profitable platform to work for. Indeed, BlackBerry is still starving on the app front, and also there’s a very less competition among developers. The launch of BBM 6 brought many apps to being connected with BBM—developers definitely created a stronger BlackBerry apps-based environment. Some apps of BlackBerry including BerryBuzz, and BerryWeather has not had much success—the same apps are developed by different developer with the same concept but they are available at half or even free price. Considering with Android and iOS perspective, numbers of similar apps but of different versions are avail by the different developers at the nominal price or even free due to extensive competition. But the competitions at the apps starving platform like BlackBerry and WP7 are very low, where very few similar apps are available. That’s why, developers at these platforms are making more dollars compare to intense competitive app environments.
Alec’s argues about “nearly six million apps are being downloaded every day” isn’t astounding me a lot. BlackBerry Apps World Store doesn’t content such outstanding apps that are not available at Apple’s app store and Android market. It seems that apps available on different platform are somehow alike to others—similar logic behind the development of the apps and also similar in functionality.
BlackBerry App World store has so far reached over 2 billion downloads—definitely, it’s very low compare to Android Market’s 11 billion and Apple’s iOS App Store’s 15 billion downloads. Also, the number of apps available in BlackBerry App World Store is over 60,000, which is equivalent to Microsoft’s Windows Phone Marketplace.
Recently, Google announced that 1 billion Android apps are also being downloaded every month, and demands of iOS apps are also increasing with dizzying pace. However, RIM’s endeavor to lure Android developer to optimize Android apps for PlayBook. Undoubtedly, RIM, Apple, Google, and Microsoft, all seems very aggressive towards its apps development. Last year, apps economy created a huge job opportunity (466,000 jobs), only in US. A research analysis firm had expected that the mobile apps store might surpass $15 billion revenue by the end of 2011. Apps market is going to be stronger in upcoming years, and all players would like to make more and more revenue every year through their apps.