The year 2011 will definitely be known for the Mobile revolution—lineups of innovative Smartphone and Tablets were introduced. A number of mobile gadgets and apps were conked the market throughout the last year. According to recent prediction of GSMA, a greatest surge is going to be existed in Asia, there’s an estimation of three billion new mobile connections by the Q1 of 2012. The GSMA has also pegged that global mobile connection would reach six billion by the end of November this year. Asia is going to be a biggest market by 2020, with over 11 billion total connected devices—in which 5.6 billion will be mobile device. In 2012, Asia will contribute highest (47%) to total mobile market share, whereas, Europe and North America will account only 19.1 and 9.4% respectively.
The cost of real time connectivity of mobile devices will decrease by 2012 and there would be steadily growth in infrastructure to fulfill the demands. The augmentation of Wi-Fi and broadband availability over 3G or 4G will result a low cost mobile instant messaging (MIM) for users. Â The growth of Smartphone and Tablets will promote e-commerce and social sharing in 2012. The online shopping was all time highest in last year and reached to $35.3 billion, and mobile online shopping is expected to reach $11.6 billion by the end of 2012.
Smartphone and Tablets at the nominal price will drive traditional PC and Netbooks.  Presently, Smartphone has eclipsed everything in the consumers’ domain and also estimated to flood the markets with enough brands and models. In 2012, Smartphone having ultra slim design, high resolution screen, and long life battery will have greater demand in the market. The boundaries of memory barrier in cloud storage services will be thrown out and users will have a huge storage facilitate by different provider, almost at free cost.
In 2012, a great war between Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, and Microsoft’s Windows Phones is going to be happened in mobile sectors. In response of Apple, Google is also going to release its revolutionary Tablets and Smartphone this year. In addition to these players, some other player like Nokia’s Symbian, Samsung’s Bada, and RIM’s Blackberry OS will also play a crucial role in the mobile OS sectors. But, a large part of mobile OS segment will be dominated by iOS, Android, and Windows Phones.
Recently, Android Market has reportedly reached 1 billion Android apps download every month. The demands of apps are increasing exponentially and a wide range of mobile apps will available to lure users this year. The risk of malware is going to mount up, and IT industries will have to pay toll heavily. Due to openness of source code, the Android devices will be most targeted in 2012. In gaming sector, social games on mobile devices were very popular in 2011 but it’s estimated that the casual game with high graphics and resolution will dominate in 2012.
In addition to these, Microsoft will beleaguer to their rival with IP litigation. Definitely, 2012 will have full of political maneuver between competitors concerning to acquisitions, agreement, and patent issues. Despite of all these issues, this year will bring a lot of innovation in technology, and services.