Every day we hear or read about one company suing the other for patient violation issues. In this way the companies – who have upper hand over the issue- draw huge amount of cash from the others through an agreement to step down with case in the court of law. Judge Theodore Essex of the International Trade Commission, Amy Hammer- Assistant General Counsel for Verizon and Ray Chen of the US Patent & Trademark Office agreed that the best possible outcome to bring peace is mutual understanding among each other and not suing the other for the same.
The below brief infographic represents which are the companies who stay in limelight due to legal tussle most of the time. Apple is the company that is facing most of the trouble from others. Be it Smartphone or Patent agreement Apple is facing immense heat inside as well as outside the court from competitors. The second chart below shows who is holding how many patents.
The most interesting factor is Google and Motorola in below infographic. No wonder why Google wanted to buy Motorola which has a staggering 17,500 patents, whereas Google has only 760 patents.
Take a look at the rest:-