Social Media! It promised us so much, didn’t it? Friends, fun, entertainment. And while it certainly has given us a lot, it’s taken away a lot too. As various social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, further integrate themselves into our everyday lives, its inevitable that, the way that we use these tools, will have some impact on the way that our brains functions, both individually and as a collective.
Twitter’s focus on short, fast messages of 140 characters or less has certainly led to an adjustment in how we send and receive information. And our patience with video is shrinking, while we love to share links from YouTube, few things will make you click the back button faster than a play count of ten minutes or more. The power of that so-called “conversation” we all adopted as a fact of life, though, does not come without a price. Along with the profound positive effects Facebook, Twitter and G+ afford us, there appear to be some “less than positive” effects you may not be aware of. Scientists now believe social media may impact cognitive function and development negatively. Right from multitasking to other focus oriented skills, it appears a sort of transformative process is occurring.
This Infographic from Assisted Living Today takes a closer look at the effects of social media on human brains.
But its not the first time when social media has been accused of such pathetic side effect, infact search giant Google is also making human brains paralyzed by increasing dependency of humans for any sort of ‘recall’ or ‘remembrance’ which is available on finger tips without stressing a brain a bit.
Absolutely love will be the typically reasonable and so fine solution having to do with a person’s life.