2012 is underway but we have one more recap to share. The popular Twitter dashboard HootSuite has put together an infrographic of the top brands,topics,hash tags, “in memorium” and holiday topics on Twitter of past year.
There are pretty obvious members on the tweet elite list,like Twitter itself taking the first position,Google in the second position followed by Facebook in the top three.YouTube is on 12th positon for instance.
The top ten trending topics were decided based on the algorithm that ranked each business based on rank and the amount of time spent. Justin Bieber tops the list, lady gaga is at the 3rd position and Britney is on the 8th position.
Steve jobs is on the top of the list of the top ten in memorium trends while Christmas and new year remain around in Top 10 Holiday trends.
Take a look at the Infographic below, which lists Top 15 brands on Twitter in 2011 as well as many other top 10s .