The online shopping of last year is considered as all time highest shopping which is estimated to $35.3 billion. A research firm—ComScore—tracked online consumer between Nov 1 to Dec 25 of 2011 and finally concluded that total online shopping counts 15% higher compare to year 2010. The mobile shopping was the highest ever in the last year’s holiday session. A recent data release by a market research firm—ForeSee—states that the users were highly satisfied with Apple and Amazon’s mobile shopping experiences.
Foresee collected the data from 40 different US retailers’ website and ranked them according to the reliable satisfaction scores (100 point scale). The statistics were farmed according to the response of 3000 visitors to apps and mobile sites, and the average satisfaction was identified to be 76 out of 100 rating point.
In the mobile online shopping, Apple placed at the top with a score of 85 followed by Amazon with 84 out of 100 satisfaction score. eBay and Best Buy were pulled down and reached at the notch of 5 (77 point) and 6 (76 points) respectively. Walmart and Sears were at the bottom level in customer’s satisfaction with the score of 72 and 71 respectively in mobile online shopping.
Research products were purchased by 34% of the online shopper through their Cellphone, while 15% users used their device for the direct purchasing of the product. The firm has stated that the mobile online shopping has jumped by 11% compare to the last year.
ForSee president and CEO—Larry Freed—said, “The Smartphone is a powerful shopping tool and a double-edged sword. Consumers will use it to research products and check a retailer’s own site while they’re in the store, but they’ll also use it to compare prices and check out the competition. The gap between mobile experience and web experience is an opportunity for retailers as much as it is a liability. We know consumer expectations will only continue to grow, and right now Amazon and Apple are setting a very high bar.”
Recently, a retail analysis firm “RichRelevance” has estimated that Apple occupied more than 92% of market share in mobile online shopping in 2011. The firm had also estimated that in the next holiday session, 90 million Smartphone users and 24 million Tablets users would participate in the online shopping. Apparently, mobile online shopping is speculated to be higher in the upcoming years especially in US.
In the present scenario, a larger population is still interested in traditional way of shopping even in US. Only 14% of the companies are using the m-commerce, and 24% are interested to implement next year in U.S. It has been estimated that the mobile payment would be reach to $240 billion this year, while it would reach to $670 billion by 2015.
Anyway, there is huge chance of tremendous mount up of the mobile online shopping in upcoming years. Presently, Apple and Amazon are at the top first and second position respectively in the holiday season mobile online shopping. Definitely, it would be a good learning for other online retailers like Walmart, Sears, eBay and BestBuy. There’s a huge opportunity for a large number of retailers to enter into the mobile online shopping.