Social networks play a prominent role in Internet users’ life as they spend significant number of hours daily either by chatting, uploading pictures or sharing information. Leaving behind all other social networks Facebook has embraced 800 million users and still increasing as the days roll down. On the other hand Twitter has an active user base of 100+ million while LinkedIn influences133.98 million active users.
The below Infographic – from Dream Media store and AdAge -provides the closer view of social media stats about Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The Infographic highlights that more than 200 million users joined Facebook in 2011 and more than 3.5 billion pieces of content has been shared weekly.
As mentioned there are 100+ million active users on twitter, out of which only 50% of users login at least once in a day.
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are considered as the cornerstones of most social media strategies in larger companies. Near about 94% of respondents said that Facebook is one of their top 3 social media platform priorities followed by Twitter (77 percent) and YouTube (42 percent).
Hope You Like the Infographic.