Have you ever thought what all could be done or can happen over internet in just 60 seconds ? You will be surprised to know that in every sixty-seconds more than 98,000 tweets are tweeted and more than 320 new users register on social networks. If this rate continues than in coming years we will prefer to tweet a friend instead of messaging through mobile phones.
It has been noticed that in last half decade digital media has modernized human beings by adding various advanced features. Currently, people prefer to do more online shopping compare to earlier days. Based on all those stats Go-Globe.com has prepared an Infographic which highlights activities that take place on internet in 60 seconds.
Personally, I think internet industry has influenced people a lot. Now, people prefer to perform most of individual or group activities over internet; be it shopping, listening music, watching movie etc. Internet world has become the backbone of tech industry. However, it might be a point of worry for upcoming generations since excess usage of internet is also the main cause behind various diseases like headache, eye etching, fatness and many other problems.