This year has resulted as the Golden year for Twitter. Its revenue as well as user base have increased exponentially and also received “Digital Service of the Year” Award surpassing other social media giants. Consequently, it has been in constant coverage and media attention throughout the year. A recent study suggests that Twitter has received more than half of the press coverage beating its arch rival Facebook which remained on second spot in 2011.
It has completely dominated Facebook in each and every segment of social media. When compared on month-over-month basis, Twitter has dominated other social media giants for 10 months continuously and has resulted as the most talked social media networking site.
However, Facebook has overruled Twitter for just two month which is quite low considering its large user base of 800 million+ users as well as higher revenue.
Interestingly, Twitter was the most discussed network with 50 percent of media coverage while Facebook managed to receive 45 percent of the media attention. Comparatively, professional networking site LinkedIn has received only 3.33 percent of the media coverage followed by MySpace (1.3 percent) and Foursquare (0.71 percent).
Surprisingly, the most awaited social networking site Google+ was unable to make in the list which is due to late launch. But, we might see improvements as it had launched various features which are liked by users and its user base is also surging up with each passing days.
Taking the view of defeat from Twitter, Facebook has started revamping its platform by launching much-hyped subscribed feature, coupons and various other features. Also, it has planned to launch the most awaited Timeline in the starting of the year to be in media coverage. But the chances are quite fade as all it efforts may get eclipsed by the U.S. presidential elections scheduled next year.
As U.S. presidential election is just a mile away and, in past, Twitter had resulted as the best platform for Presidential candidates, there should be no doubt that Twitter will again stay with highest users engagement as well as media attention for all breaking and cracking activities since many of the Presidential candidates are already on Twitter and will try to influence community by their Tweets.
Personally, I think in next year there is lesser chances for social media giants to surpass Twitter. Also, if we evaluate the engagement ratio Twitter proves be far influential than Facebook or any other social media network.