Why Internet Giants Are Hiding Information From Users [Video]

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Internet world is full of unexpected and surprising elements. Despite of users’ exponential technical ability and knowledge, there are many stuffs on internet which are hidden from users. And, It’s really surprising for all of us as we consider internet world as a transparent platform to get relevant information and independent views.

A video by TED shows that social networking sites as well as search engine hide many of the information from users which could be very crucial from privacy and security point f view. Video reveals that Facebook hides information from the users’ page, which users don’t notice. The major reason behind negligence is the bunch of regular updates which come on users’ page often.

Interestingly, search engine giant Google also do something similar to Facebook. it shows the information according to the server and places from where the search takes place. It can be verified when a people search any information like if they search India from US then it will show different information on the front page, but the same search keyword will produce absolute different results when user perform the search from India or some other location. This directly indicates that Google back end and its search algorithm do not follow a standard format for search and always be ‘personalized’ based upon 52 types of various factors.


But, such case is not limited to Google and Facebook. Even the biggest internet properties Yahoo, FlipBoard, Amazon as well as many others also hide information from users. They discriminate users on the basis of their profession, age, sex, location, demographic etc.


Personally, I think hiding such information from users is debatable aspect. The results may wary based upon various aspects and that are most significance with users. However, a standardization of information and production is a topic which internet industry will face – probably after few years from now.

Hope you enjoy this video !


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