Asian-Americans Are More Fascinated Towards Tablets Than Others in US

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Though, the Tablet devices and eReaders have been largely contributed by US to the world, but Asians are leading in the trend of early adoption and usability. In US, Tablets and eReaders have fascinated Asians more than Latin American and Black-And-White community. The Asians – stay in US- are at the top of using Tablets with 14.4% participation in the tablet market,  while Hispanics contributes 12.6%, and black and whites has just 10% of contribution, reveals a report released by eMarketer.

Report also predicts that whites in US would reach the same level of penetration as Asia-Americans by 2014. It’s quite clear from the report that Asian-Americans are avid to have their hands on new devices like tablets and eReaders.

Another study by Florida State University –center for Hispanic marketing Communication—also says that Asian-Americans are among the highest penetrated communities for both tablets and ereaders.

According to Felipe Korzenny at Florida University Study, “US Hispanics and Asian-Americans are very eager to bridge the technological gap and they are proportionately more likely to adopt these devices than non-Hispanic whites. Referring to Asians’ high intention to purchase, Asians should be more interesting targets to marketers because they are much more interested in these products.”

The report also states that the Spanish-speaking Hispanics have the highest in percentage aspire to own new tablet next year. However, the intention to purchase the tablet next year is also very high among Asian after Hispanics. According to the study, 35% of Asian has aspired to have tablets next year, while Hispanics is at the top of 41% and Non-Hispanics have the lowest intention to have the tablets, that’s why only 22% are eager to own tablets next year.

Korzenny has explained that Asian-Americans are more interested to adopt the new technologies compare to others. The factor is quite obvious; the good technical awareness and economy background leads them to become avid new device user. The most interesting fact about the study is that the age factor has no impact on emerging –device adaptation.


Overall, the emerging-device adoption among Asian-Americans is due to excellent education background and economy. The passion to own new device come irrespective of Age and racism but from the technical awareness and this has been proved again by the Asian community in US.


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