Technology has only starting point and it has been proven time and again. This time it is Microsoft who is betting big on future of gadgets – atleast in next five years. Steve Clayton – Microsoft Next Blogger – has revealed the latest work, augment projectors. Interestingly, just few days back company released another futuristic video on smartphone.
Microsoft’s augment projectors work demonstrates how projector will sense the object in combination with gestures. Infact, company took a versatile approach to fit such projectors in various aspects of a human life. They tested it with shopping environment, a virtual arrangements like house decorations, mixing the real word content with the virtual presentation by the help of such projectors.
Last week, Microsoft released the video on future of Smartphone. Â A smartphone that will gel with every activity of your life; no matter what you do and how.
However, its not jus the first time that any company has tried to understand and worked on gesture technology known as Sixth Sense. The original idea of mixing gesture in human is almost 8 years old when Pranav Mistry demonstrated the whole idea – a though process of his brain child then.
Infact, there are few other companies who have worked on many similar concept videos like Future of Bus Stop, Future of Touch Technology etc.
A combine view on all such research, idea, concept video makes one thing pretty clear. The future will be rolling on the strong foundation of Touch Technology and there is absolute no debate on this.