Facebook has recently gone through several changes which in turn proving fatal for the social media titan. People have now started floating to other social media networks where complexity is less. Google+ has emerged as the main gainer which recently reached the mile stone of 50 million users. A Recent survey conducted by Coed magazine, College Candy and Busted Coverage on 2,500 people enlightens that nearly half of the college students, attached with the Facebook, are feared with the launch of new features as well as changes which occurred on Facebook.
Survey was conducted by posting questionnaire on search engine Google and various prizes were also offered to the people for answering those questions.
The survey highlights few of interesting assumptions:
- If Facebook will bring paid version for account then 70 percent of the users will delete their account permanently from Facebook.
- Nearly 44 percent of the people check their Facebook account before brushing their teeth in morning.
- Around 66 percent of people do not judge others on the site based on number of friends.
- Nearly 54 percent of people are tagged in photos where they are clearly intoxicated.
- 92 percent of people admit that statuses on Facebook are of no use.
Below is the brief Infographic by survey: