With days passing Google is strengthening its market presence. Recently, Google Adword has launched a new feature called “AdWords for Video” as well as “Google Analytics For Real–Time Report”. Company has announced that in coming days it will launch a new ad format for advertisers. At present, Ads consist of three lines text but in coming days the new ad format will serve to one-third search ads embedded with video as well as location. The new ads format may help people in finding information faster. Going further, advertisers can add videos, images and many additional media types inside the ad space.
Few ways in which new ads format will be useful for people:
- Visual: It will help people in grabbing the information about the products via video ads. It also comprises of two features:
- Media Ads: It puts the sound, sight and motion of the video into search ads.
- Product Ads: People can view information about various products as well as help them in experiencing visual shopping.
- Local: In computer more than 20 percent of Google searches are related to location and this increase to 40 percent in mobile. This new format will help them in knowing the location via location-aware search ads. More than 270,000 advertisers on Google use Location Extension to attach their business address on ad-campaign.
- Social: With +1 button people are able to find and recommend their business with their friends and clients. For organizations, the +1 button enables their customers to share the products as well as offers with their existing friends, improving the existing market campaigns.
Google reveals some facts related to Adword:
- Every day there are more than a billion searches on Google. (Source Google)
- Since 2003, Google has answered 450 billion new unique queries. (Source Google)
- The +1 button is being served 2.3 billion times a day all over the web. (Source Google)
- The average query response time is roughly a quarter of a second. (Source Google)
- More than 20% of searches on Google on a desktop are related to location. On mobile, it‘s about 40%.(Source Google)
- People drive more than 12 billion miles a year with Google Maps Navigation.(Source Google)
As Well As:
- Every query has to travel on average 1,500 miles to get back to the user. (Source Google)
- More than half our searches come from outside the U.S. (Source Google)
- We’ve never seen 16% of the queries we see every day.(Source Google)
- Users exposed to a major tech company’s search ads reported a 27% more favorable opinion after seeing the ad. (Source: Nurago & Google)
- Consumers like to get exactly where they want to go. Two-line site links increase click-through rates by more than 30% compared to standard AdWords ads. (Source Google)
- 70% of Americans report that they look for product reviews before making a purchase. (Source: Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates)
- 80% of reviews on the site of a given retailer are written by the top 20% of their customers. (Source: Google)
- We are seeing mobile search grow at an exponential rate, increasing fivefold worldwide in just the past two years. (Source: Yankee Group)
- YouTube now exceeds 200 million views a day on mobile, a 3x increase in 2010. (Source: Google)
Below video will offer nice idea about new factors which are going to be added by Google:
Lets hope this new feature will be beneficial for advertisers and will help them more by reducing the cost of advertisement.