The Evolution of Social Media in 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]

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The world of social media and networking has been an intense part for most of the people who are connected with computers by any form. No matter what you do the impact of online social life is s enormous to link it some time. Consequently, growth of social media in last few years has astounded and still moving ahead for new streams with every passing day.

Though, there are many previous infographic and videos on Dazeinfo which showcases the evolution of social media, this latest infographic from SEJSearchengineJournal projects the growth in last one year with latest facts and figures.

I must admit that many of you may find it contradictory with our own earlier infographics as few numbers in below infographic do not speak out the same. However, the overall projection is quite informative and appreciate able.

Major highlights of this infographic:

  • Facebook would be the third biggest virtual country after China and India.
  • Stumbleupon gets more daily traffic than Twitter.
  • Facebook’s crazy 63.46% market share
  • 1 in 4 Americans watch a YouTube video every single day
  • 53% of employees research potential job candidates on social networks
  • Facebook has 310m unique visitors every day
  • 49% of Twitter users rarely login


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