Smartphone Users Are More Fascinated Towards Apps than Calls OR Messages [STUDY]

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I still remember days when first ever gigantic mobile phone was launched and few lucky people who used to own that felt blessed to speak on “cell phone”. After one and a half decade, the priority and usability of mobile phones has been drastically shifted from “traditional use” to “advanced need”. Expectation from phone have gone up and people are becoming more Smartphone centric than ever before. Consequently, with more usage of Smartphone and connected devices like iPad, dependency over mobile applications has become obligatory.

In the new developed scenario, mobile apps are responsible for 56% of overall smartphone activity, according to Neilson. However, the most important aspect of owning any phone – making phone calls – has been an additional facility in a Smartphone, study reveals.

Smartphone users are more spellbound towards mobile apps and 56% of their daily mobile activities have been recorded through such apps. The interaction and usage of Email and Messaging service has been declined to 19%, followed by the real traditional use that remains just 15%.

However, the trend is mainly driven by branded apps and unbranded apps literally need to go trough stiff competition to have some a place in Smartphones. The adoption rate of branded rate is quite higher and the discovery method of unbranded apps by users is completely different.

This has also sugared the data usage and application need of Smartphone users. Both Android and iPhone users are becoming more data hungry than before. Currently, there are more than 900,000 unique apps available for mobile devices out of which Apple control more than 381,000 apps alone, beating Android with 294,000 apps. There are many speculations that due to enormous growth of Android platform these figures may change by August when overall Android app count will beat App store.


  1. I dont comment as I am failing to see any reliable source of your points. However, the study presented above is from Neilson – one of the most prestigious research firm.

    Yes, i do agree that almost every week 3 -4 studies are available in market but its the responsibility of the publishers to come out with the best synopsis based on previous analysis’.

    Also if you follow other few studies here, you will find how exactly use and dependency is “really” growing among smartphone users. Just fly with them all and see the result!!

  2. This study fails to present really usable information to gain insight into mobile users.

    If you kluge together a few reports, a more accurate picture emerges.

    a)  Everyone is spending more time with their mobile device
    b)  Mobile web use is increasing
    c)  Text messaging is increasing
    d)  IM messaging is increasing
    e)  In-app messaging is increasing
    f)  Time spent with Apps is increasing (though, loyalty to specific Apps, other than the “big four” is fickle as most aren’t opened more than 1x or 2x)

    Just in the U.S. market, teens (13-18) texting increased by over 20% last year; and IM increased as well.

    Further, the majority of mobile devices are NOT smartphones; so while this is a smartphone study, it’s only referencing 35%-40% of the market and it is referencing early-adopters.  It is dangerous to think that the next 10-15% growth in smart phone owners will follow the same pattern as early adopters.

    The problem with so many of the studies and reports coming out, near daily, is that they fail to provide any perspective.  They always seem to be pushing an agenda or argument to support a business model.  Sifting through them is cumbersome.


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