Apple is in no mood to give away any segment of competition to Google’s Android this time and, therefore, plans to launch the upgraded version of iPhone4 and iPad 2 in third quarter of this year to counter Android’s frequent upgraded version release. Apple is planning to introduce a new iPhone in September that boasts a stronger chip for processing data and a more advanced camera, according to a Bloomberg report.
The upcoming version of iPhone – to be known as iPhone 5 – is expected to run on A5 processor, the most powerful processor which has been developed to compete with Dual core processors coming with most of Android phones now. Earlier this year, Apple launched the iPad2 which is running on the same processor.
The new iPhone 5 will also see the improvisation of camera which will have 8-megapixel, up from the 5-megapixel model in the iPhone4.
To sustain the domination in Tablet market, Apple is also testing a new version of iPad that has higher resolution screen, similar to the one now used in the iPhone 4, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the details are not public. The screen resolution on Apple’s new iPad would be about one-third higher than that of the iPad 2 and will boast a more responsive touch screen, one of the people said
The new iPhone will run on the iOS 5 operating system – codename “Telluride” -, Apple previewed at a developer’s conference this month. The new iOS is having many improved features like enhanced messaging system and pho-sharing. This time Apple has taken the initiative to design the iOS which will run on all Apple’s mobile devices, the person said. Untill last year, iPads, iPhones and iPod touches used the variant of iOS which were slightly than each one.
Apple has failed to keep the pace with Google Android in terms of releasing upgrade versions of iOS in frequent intervals. Apple first introduced iPhone 4 in April last year and recently announced the availability of official unlocked version of iPhone 4 in U.S. market.
However, Google has covered the distance by releasing 3 versions of Android in last 2 years with a commitment to come up with a new version on interval of every 6 months. Even for tap the Tablet market effectively, Google has developed a separate version of Android – Android 3.0 – also known as Honeycomb. Speculations are being made that Google is gearing up to launch another version of Honeycomb – Android 3.2 – in next few weeks. Google is also enjoy the indirect benefits of wide range of superb hardware for Android platform from various manufacturers like Samsung, LG, Sony, HTC etc.
This has forced Apple to redesign the directions of iPhone and iPad. With constant growing competition, surging people’s expectations from mobile devices and scalability option has become the concerns for Apple. Consequently, Apple has to shift the gears to maintain its pace and market share to play down the its arch rival and upcoming competition from “Microkia”.
Dear Jonnny (3 n),
Yes, you read it right and its absolutely correct. However, please pay attention to the date of this post. It was in June last year when only iPhone4 was available and speculations were high about next version of iPhone.
In fact, the original source of this info is Bloomberg. Hope you pay more attention towards each aspect of content in future.
“The new iPhone 5 will also see the IMPROVISATION of camera…” LOL, and you’re a writer?