Global Mobile market is witnessing huge surge for last couple of years. The transformation is so vital that many brands that were inattentive towards mobile industry, like Samsung and LG, are deriving much appreciation for their contribution and forthcoming strategies. Consequently, worldwide mobile device market sales have reached to 427.4 million units by the end of first quarter of 2011 witnessing 19% comparative growth by the same time last year.
According to Gartner, this growth is primary driven by the colossal adoption of Smartphones which have accounted 23.5% of overall sales in first quarter of 2011. This contribution is expected to accelerate further with the launch of many mid-tier and high-end Smartphones which was announced in first quarter but would go for sale in upcoming months.
Apple, Samsung and HTC are three key players who have highest impact on mobile device market growth. With 16.8 million sales figure, Apple has improved its market share to 3.9 percent compare to 2.3 percent in Q1 of 2010. Apple remains the only company which has almost doubled its sales from 8.2 million to 16.8 million in Q1 of 2011.
Additional variants of Galaxy Smartphones (such as Galaxy SII, Bada Wave 578) and Galaxy Tablets have helped Samsung to record strongest first quarter ever.  Though, company’s overall markets share plunged to 16.1 percent, total number of handset sales went up to 68.7 million in Q1 this year compare to 64.8 million during the same period last year.
HTC took the full advantage of Android’s influence over people. With multiple ranges of Android handsets, company has almost tripled its sales figure to 9.3 million from 3.3 million in Q1 last year. HTC seizes 2.2 percent of worldwide mobile devices sales market.
However, – with no surprise – Nokia emerged as top looser with net loss of 5.5% market share as well as in mobile device sales numbers. Though, Nokia still holds the highest markets share of mobile with 25.6 percent, company has recorded the sharp decline in handset sales which went down to 107.5 million in Q1 this year from 110.1 million during same period last year.
Nokia’s downfall may not be big surprise for the management as well many of the stock holders due to recent marriage with Microsoft. Both the companies predicted this outcome due to transition period company will go through for next year only to bounce back with strongest bet ever before. Industry is only predicting the master class from Nokia-Microsoft through a reliance combination of superb hardware and intelligently developed windows mobile platform.
You can find the details report on “Market Share Analysis: Mobile Devices, Worldwide, 1Q11” here