Have you ever thought about holding a phone which is unbreakable, thinner than ever and most important, easy to navigate? A small sheet of paper like phone which can almost do everything what any other Smartphone can, is set on the launch pad. The new Smartphone prototype, called Paper Phone, is best described as a flexible iPhone which consist the display of mere 9.5 cm diagonal thin film flexible E Ink display. This flexible form is makes it much more portable than any current mobile computer.
The revolutionary phone will be unveiled on 10 May by Dr. Vertegaal at Association of Computing Machinery’s CHI2011 (Computer Human Interaction) conference in Vancouver – the premier internal conference of Human-computer Interaction.
“The paperless office is here. Everything can be stored digitally and you can place these computers on top of each other just like a stack of paper, or throw them around the desk” says Dr. Vertegaal.
The new paper phone has many features which makes it much more productive and environment friendly. Its large and flexible version devices are able to store and interact with documents which make no room for any paper or printer. Even it doesn’t need any battery or power supply support at the time when no one is using it.
We are not sure how far such device can transform the mobile devices ecosystem but we would like to know from our readers “What they think about this new Invention?”