Internet has been flooded with the news about much anticipated Twitter alternative from UberMedia – The number one Twitter client apps maker. Speculations are being made that UberMedia is gearing up to launch another social media network to set up a direct competition with Twitter. Though, the sources are yet anonymous, news apparently holds significant credential as the relationship between Twitter and UberMedia are going through some rough patches for long.
On Wednesday CNN reported that several sources claimed that UberMedia was considering creating its own Social Network to compete with Twitter:
“The service would seek to attract users by addressing common complaints about Twitter, such as its restriction on the length of a message and how it can be confusing to newcomers, according to these sources, who were not authorized to speak publicly about the plans.”
Report also claims that several sources have confirmed this news with almost same message. However, the new Social Network from UberMedia will address all pain points of Twitter, like 140 character limit, to make it more lucrative and functional.
So, what made UberMedia to think in the direction of Twitter alternatives when they are already enjoying the top position in Twitter app market after Twitter’s own apps ?
Currently UberMedia holds the majority in third party applications market through which people logging to Twitter every day. The user count is in millions and UberMedia has supplemented these numbers by owing multiple similar platforms like UberSocial, Twidroyd and Echofon. Though Twitter recently claimed that 90% of Twitter users still use company’s official Twitter apps on monthly basis, Twitter became anxious about the growth of third party twitter client apps and banned many including UberMedia’s apps to access Twitter services.
However a recent report from Sysomos, a research and analysis firm claims that 42% of twitter users are fascinated towards third party applications like Tweetdeck, Twidroyd etc to use Twitter services.
With all such scenario, one thing clearly emerges out in the favor of UberMedia: If company offers similar service which can be identical to Twitter with, possibly, few additional benefits, it will not be a daunting task for users – who uses Twitter through UberMedia’s client apps – to jump out of Twitter.
Also, an ongoing relationship between Twitter and UberMedia is already quit strained and UberMedia will surely not like to get caught under similar situation like before when Twitter blocked their access. Essentially, such rumors will only fuel the fire and may throw the scrambled relationship to a dead-end.
We are keeping a close eye on further development in this regards and shall keep on updating you regularly.
It would be nice to have ubermedia make a competing site, twitter developers like my company would have more fertile ground. But is the 140 character limit really a problem or a great feature? My blog on this — what do you think?
Mark Krieger