Battle between two Titans from social media and search industry Facebook and Google – is showing no sign of recession. After multiple clashes at various front of dominance, Facebook is again gearing up to challenge Google for a promising next generation service – Video calling. After squaring its users in a cubical of “instant messaging” service, the new feature will further distance Facebook users from Google’s Gmail service.
As per the latest report from Bloomberg, Facebook has re-initiated the discussion with Skype to roll out web video calling facility to all 650+ million users across all its platform. The discussion was first initiated last year when both the companies were in-sync with the thought of rolling out video calling and chatting facility among Facebook friends. However, this feature was not discussed in last update of Skype, back in September last year, which did include voice calling between Facebook friends.
As the market of Video calling is witnessing substantial growth, companies are becoming bullish with such roll outs. In June last year Apple has added the similar feature to its flagship product iPhone 4 followed by Google which added the Video calling facility for all Gmail users in August. If ongoing talk between Facebook and Skype comes into existence, surely it will hurt Apple and Google in a big way.
“Last year, we announced the integration of Facebook inSkype, so people can keep up to date with their Facebook friendsthrough News Feed in Skype and even call and SMS their Facebookfriends on any phone from Skype,” Facebook said yesterday in an e-mailed statement. “With regards to any further integration, wedon’t comment on rumor and speculation and have nothing toannounce at this time.”
The new possible roll-out will help Skype to add thousands of new users and millions of video call minutes which will strengthen the position of much anticipated $1 billion worth IPO. Skype has registered its shares with SEC in August last year.