People are fascinated about Twitter and made it part of daily life style. They use it from office, laptop, mobile and keep on posting tweets about activities, surroundings, atmosphere, business and for almost everything. But is anyone really bother about your tweets ? How many tweets really get reply (aka @) or goes for retweet (aka RT) ? That is an essential question which social media research firm Sysomos posted in a survey and tried to check the tweets behavior on large scale.
The result of survey has sparked a discussion whether its worth investing such time and patience for Tweets which doesn’t hold any value for any one. Out of 1.2 billion tweets, monitored by Sysomos in last 2 months, only 29% of tweets actually generated any reaction – reply or retweet. Actual surprise was lying in the depth of search – Of 29% response only 19.3% people retweets and rest are bother to reply. This clearly indicates that only 6% (72 million) people actually pass your news, information or update to further network.
Power Play of Your Tweets
As per the survey, first hour of the tweet always be the most critical. 92.7% of all retweets happen within first hour of the original tweet being published. Dramatically, second half dives to 1.63% and third hour just 0.94%. It clearly messages that one should not be only bother about posting tweet but also marketing it over immediately. Due to any reason if your tweet failed to get attention in very first hour, it will be unrecognized.
While examining the behavior of reply, again its first hour which holds the supremacy over there. 96.9% of replies (@) happen within first hour of the original post being published. Second hour for replies be as effective as 0.88% only.
How many Actually Convey Your Tweets Further
Twitter is a micro-blogging website and people expect to broadcast their message to as many people as they can by leveraging on 4-5 level of their connections by reply. But how many tweets actually travel to such travel, survey tried to dig. Just 1.53% tweets actually travel till third level network. Interestingly maximum numbers of Tweets end up with just one level of network. 85% of tweets die off with just one reply. Another 10.7% of tweets manage to get reply till second level.
This information is powerful!