Google is setting up all its corners to ‘counter & attack’ for Facebook. After the launch of most appreciated “instant search” features, Company is testing a new feature which will preview the entire webpage of each search result link on mouse over before you actually click and visit to that page. The feature is currently in testing phase and been rolled out to specific people for analysis as Google’s standard strategy.
An independent blog, which is no way affiliated with Google officially, Google Operating System has revealed that he web giant is experimenting with a kind of preview window that pops up when you click on an icon next to a search result. To prove the authenticity of the information blog has also provided the screen shots :
Gearing Up For Competition:
In last couple of weeks Google has implemented & revealed couple of exponential features to improve its search results be it Instant Search or Instant Image preview. To keep the visitors interest alive, which actually ensures the revenue figures by Google Ad program, company is constantly working on enhancement of its search functionality. Moreover, few unofficial reports suggest that Google is also secretly working on alternative of Facebook – named as GoogleMe – which can be launched somewhere end of this year.
Tough Road Ahead For AdSense Publishers:
However, the new move may not be appreciated by the site owners and publishers who are riding high on revenue generated by their site through Adsense program. If the new feature reaches to the official launch portal, visitors won’t have to browse pages for detail information. Just by mouse over people can go through the detail content of the pages produced by search result.
Currently we are not clear about the technology Google will be using to preview the page but chances are high that company will follow the current feature of “Cache” which saves the offline version of each page. Therefore publishers will face a tough road to achieve high value impression which will result in low revenue by CPM. The new feature will also be having significant impact on CPC supported publishers.
Google’s View:
While company is completely concern with the revenue generated by Adsense publishers, as it will pull down the revenue figures drastically – even for Google, quality of search result seems to be prime criteria for Google in coming days. Company is trying to in-line the search results with search keywords more closely to raise confidence of visitors in company’s service.
Will the new feature will set the new paradigm of SEO as actual page contents need to be closely bound with keywords ? Being as a publisher, how far do you think the new feature will have impact on your revenue model ? Do let us know in comments section below.