A Revolution in Telecom industry is on its way. Cut throat competition has put telecom companies on their knees. Call charges have been plunged drastically. Open policy in handset manufacturing has given wings to lots of companies and smart phones are talk of the town now. Sensing this, Mobile application companies are mushrooming in and around the city with a promise to deliver nexgen solutions. While fishing out rest, we just bumped an app which not only allows you to be connected with friends, family, chat, around the clock but also have potential (with latest version ) to be a “MUST INSTALLED” app in your mobile once 3G would be launched.
Fring : A mobile VoIP network company which keeps its users connected with friends, family, business partners round the clock. Fring is an exclusively Mobile VOIP service that enables free mobile video calling, voice calling, chatting and more between fring users and other popular online services. Comany launched its services in January 2007. With the latest release of updated version, company clearly indicated its future demand and potential among the mobile users across the globe.
Price cuts in GPRS tariffs and Demand of SmartPhones have made Fring as “best & must installed” mobile application these days. Social media have become an integral part of our daily life. Facebook is celebrating 500 million users mark so the Twitter with 15 Billion Tweets. Text Chat service is getting facilitated by business owners. Tough competition is driving people to adopt chatting services instead of long distance calling. As a bundle, Social Networking, Chat and Mobile has become a part of life and in absense of that, survival for few hours becomes a challenge.
Fring offers people a single windows to communicate with all the 3 different version of life style. Smart phones are now available at mere cost of few thousand rupees which can be easily affordable by any one. The monthly rent of GRPS has reached to Rs 99 more of less which people don’t count in any expenses. If installed, Fring would allow you be connected with all your contacts on chat service irrespective of platform. Whether it is MSN, GTalk, Yahoo or AOL just by a single interface you can automatically log on to all the chat servers instantly from your mobile.
Due to some temporarily issue with Skype, currently Fring is not serving to Skype users. But, as Fring’s Management announced few days back, it need to consider as temporarily issue on which they are working with Skype. Then why we should only be dependent on our computer or laptop. You can keep system active all the time but the mobile. This way fring allows all its users to have interact with any other chat contacts round the clock.
If you are convinced with Fring mobile chat services, you may want to try Fring with its maximum capacity where you would like to have Voice chat with various users. Fring allows its users to have “Fring to mobile” and ‘Fring to Fring” voice chat service, for which users need to buy credits form the company.
With the latest version release, Fring jumped in interactive chat ( Video chat ) services, specially after the lauch of iPhone 4.0 As iPhone 4.0 allows its users to use Wi-Fi network to have video chat inside the iPhone network through its FaceTime app, Fring don’t get bound with the network and allows cross-platform Video chat to all its users on 3G connectivity. That mean any Samsung Android users can have Video Chat with iPhone 4.0 users anytime without any restriction.
Despite all these advantages, Fring is still a Free download app. Based on your mobile handset type, Fring app can be chosen and installed.
Company : Fring Inc
Website: www.fring.com
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