Floppy discs have definitely became the part of history. Once, they were inevitable part of any computer and most of us remember the days when we had to deal with those not so cool magnetic drives in order to store our data. Nick Gentry is an artist and he is one of a very few people who still use the floppy discs to do the job. Well, he doesn’t use them to store the data but he uses them as a material for his interesting artworks.
Nick uses floppy discs to make some paintings on them. He paints portrait and he often use the center of the floppy disk as a space where he draws the eye.
If you look carefully, you will notice that floppy discs aren’t the only forgotten medium for data storage which are used by this artist. He also uses magnetic tapes, usually to draw eyes on them. If you wonder what happened with all those floppy discs who suddenly disappeared from the world of computers then you may find the part of an answer in this article
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Floppy eyes freak me out even more than anime eyes. lol