While surfing internet today, I unintentionally hit an address where some of the unusual pictures were posted. Pictures were all about some strange creature which was looking like an “Alien”. Right now I can’t stamp the exact time when these pictures got shoot or month of incident but after doing a small research I found that all these pictures were recently posted over the net.
I don’t think these photos requires any special comment. This creature, found on Thailand, is very strange to me. You can see a lot of local folks in the background that seem to worship this creature they have “found”. The end result is an even more absurd and even humorous scene. At least they managed to turn my amazement into laughter by this baby powder and juices they brought as a tribute to this creature. They have even brought a fan to keep it well preserved for the scientists.
There has been a lot of debates about what this creature might be and that is exactly the beauty of mystery, the inability to solve it. It might be some kind of strange animal, it even looks like a mythical creature. Honestly I don’t know what to think about this funny and strange event. These pictures do raise more questions than answers…