Much before than 24, hours of experiment of Google’s background image concept has been withdrawn unexpectedly. From Thursday, for 24 hours, Google set itself with an experiment to place a background image on hompage, replacing Google’s famous white background home page.
Unfortunately it got backfired to Google as most of the people missed the blog post on Wednesday about the proposed change and found it annoyed on Thursday morning and voted against the same. Design guru Marissa Mayer confirmed that Google was ending the experiment early due to what she called a “bug,” which erased a link underneath the search bar on that explained why Google’s famously spartan home page had taken on a colorful look.
Last week Google announced that it would begin providing its users with the option of setting their own background image behind the home page, but last night it forced an image to appear for all users signed into a Google account to highlight the feature. That didn’t sit well with many grown used to Google’s clean white design, especially when Google’s explanation of why it was forcing this look vanished from the home page.
It also gave fans of Microsoft’s Bing search engine a chance to crow, given that one of Bing’s most noticeable features is a striking background image behind that contains links to searches about the image.